
Monday 18 June 2007

Thats right, a Superstar ...

Tale komad Mason ft. Princess Superstar - Perfect Exceeder mi groova po glavi že cel dan in zraven še oseba, ki sem ji ga "ukradla" na Myspace profilu. She's a Superstar, 2 me. And the line goes like this...
1 2 3 4
Let me hear you scream if you want some more
Like ah
Push it, push it
Watch me work it
I'm perfect
Thats right I'm a superstar
Everybody wanna come up when I'm at the bar
All the people wanna try
Its like give me some more
Try a little harder honey
Give me some more
Lets go I'm a superstar
Getting busy with the boys hanging at the bar
Everybody come across 'cause they all want me
You all knew when you saw me
I like how you look, baby call me ...

P.S. Matty, te tole na kaj spominja? ;) Pheew ... pogrešam mojo disko kuglo, I want it BACK!!!

Fotka: I don't fuckin find the photographer, sorry!


  1. Dokler nisem slisal Jonty Skruffovega seta s tem komadicem je bil moj favorite komadic od nje "Wet wet wet" z albuma "Princes superstar Is". Bad babysitter pa se en video tega tipa :)..

    Tnx za link, me likey :)..

  2. ja, ta komad je carski. najbolj smešno je, ker je ta črna pevka taka kot naša slovenska ex manekenka nina lubarda:P anyway - spod rules:D

    drgač pa ne vem kaj mi hočeš povedat glede tvoje kugle:D jest je nikamor nisem dal:D ha ha

    martica, kmal se morva spet slikat:D a teb tud kej ideje delajo?:P
