Some of you people who still continue to check on this web page every single day might notice this is not the most frequently & freshly updated blog in the planet Earth but hey, it's still a pretty damn good one to follow if you ask me ! ;-)
So I'm still here, OK ? And guess what, I've been working on some exciting projects and I'm sure you guys don't want to be the last to hear about it, AM I RIGHT ? So keep coming because you know how I suck at keeping secrets very long !!
All right, glad we're still on the same page (literally). So for today, if you haven't already saw it on facebook - there's been a little interview published with me and here's the link of it (click). I love the title the journalist friend Mojca Vakselj used for it: When I'll be big, I'll be Vivenne Westwood. Pretty much a PERFECT title to me and sounds good also in slovenian : ) !
Next thing I wanted to share with you, and I will now tell you something even my mom doesn't know yet : I am finally learning the language of love & sex, oh yes - Marta Lamovsek is learning French !! And let's just say, i'll hopefully soon be able to say a few more words than just the obvious ones because I've been lucky enough to have a veeery special personal teacher...
Je t'aime aussi !! : )
ahahaha..that was entertaining..but what about me ?..i dont..facebook..yes..its true..i m the last man on earth who dont has facebook...or twitter..or skype...serioulsy..these are the gate sto hell and..ahem*...anyway..its always worth coming back here:-)
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