
Tuesday, 8 January 2008


For me, there is nothing greater than the joy of taking a pictures of a person who gives me great joy. And even if I'd never look at those photographs, when I remember the moment I took them, the joy is there. Again and again ... till forever.

photo & quote :: marta lamovšek


  1. I couldn't agree more!!! Hvala bogu za fotoaparate in ljudi ki znajo z njimi tako fenomenalno upravljati :-))

    p.s. I'm back and I'm looking forward to our "gin date" ;-)

  2. Oh, Yeeea !!! :)) Wellcome back!! You've been mizzed! ... well, tomorow then, let's set a plan ... ;)


  3. Today is the new tomorrow :-)
    We don't do plans remember? We spontanously meet in the middle of the night when the moon is bright ;-) LoL :-))Anyway, my people will call your people and we'll set a date ;-))

  4. Haha, a "plan" is a new Kaos! :D

  5. ;-) damn right! And we most certainly are the soldiers of Kaos :-) So I say, somewhere between now and then, here and there, morning and evening, we meet :-) Deal? I'll be wearing a cactus and you put on your scarf / cap from HoodaGooda ;-) So we recognize eachother ;-)

  6. lepotica ajdika, lih zdej je bla pri meni na dooolgem cajcku in me spet napolnila z energijo in ljubeznijo...
    ajdiko enostavno ne mores ne meti rad..:)
    jst sem pa v lj, shall we print the pink soon?

  7. You back! :)

    Ajdika is on my mind since the NY eve ... i adore her so much!!!

    See ya in day or two! Yey!! Busy, busy, busy :)
