She said: "Basically I make icons out of people I like"
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Thursday, 25 January 2007
Še ena iz Trubarjeve
Ta fotka mi je še posebno ljuba, saj sem ovekovečila grafite, ki jih je narisal Luka - in katere so takoj zatem komunalci prebarvali, ker so motili stanovalce (verjetno so jih žalili) ... svašta.
HIGH ON LIFE (originally Zadeta od Lajfa™) is a blog of a photographer Marta Lamovsek - since she embarked on the wild bumpy journey of pursuing her dreams back in 2007. While her blog is now long sleeping, she is for the last 7 years searching for the magic between London and Middle East.
Kul grafiti in še bolj kul bejba.